I’m a terrible blogger

This is my first posting since July. I’m sorry. It’s not that I mean to neglect you, it’s just that I’m busy with other things; work, reading, writing, posting to the thirty-five other social media sites I’m on. You know, important stuff.

What’s happened in the five and a half months since? I finished my fifth book, Penance. It’s the third in my Malcolm Connally series. My editor and good friend, Nate, says it is the best of the Connally books, for whatever that is worth. I just know that I’m pretty happy with it. Personally, I think Devils is my favorite, but if people enjoy it then I’m happy. Now that I think about it, my mom said Penance is pretty good, too. But her favorite of all of my books is Wanderers. Anyway, the new book is available in paperback and e-reader through Amazon, Barnesandnoble.com, and Smashwords.com. Just search for Matthew Moseman and you’ll find them.

What’s next? I’m moving in a new direction. Three whole days after I completed work on Penance, I went straight to work on a book that I’ve had cooking in my brain since early this summer. It’s a sci-fi conspiracy thriller centering on a police detective on an Earth colony several hundred years in the future. He’s the veteran of an ongoing interstellar war with an alien race that’s been going on for 150 years. I’m really excited about the story and the characters and this new world I’m developing. There’s only one problem:

Now I have to do it.

Sometimes, the greatest challenge is translating this new universe and story you can already picture in your head into words and putting them on paper. So often, there’s something akin to a motion picture trailer going in my head for this book. I see all of the characters, the hinting of reveals, action sequences, etc. It gets me excited for the story and I’ve written several pages of ‘story bible’ and other notes for characters and events which also get me excited about it. The biggest problem now is I have to physically write the damn thing. And right now, setting up this universe in the exposition without just writing 25 pages of it like Tolkien did at the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring is almost taxing. I want to sprinkle it in throughout the early chapters to ease in the reader instead of just slapping them in the face with it. Also, the events that happen in the first few chapters are just the catalyst for the main story; like an episode of the Simpsons where the first five minutes involving Moe getting in a fight with King Toot is only there to get the story rolling and eventually won’t become anything. I have to keep reminding myself not to get too caught up or worried about those details and to focus on what the main storyline will be.

It’s often easier said than done.

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